Gaming is no longer a mere time-pass activity. There has been tremendous growth in the number of serious gamers out there.

By serious gamers, I mean those that have actually gone the extra mile and opted for it as a profession. If we’d been standing 10 years ago, this statement would be startling and rather impracticable, but hey, it’s the 2020s!

Whether it is the passion or the level of luck that prevents gamers from considering it a means of pure entertainment is hard to tell. But one thing’s for sure, these gaming enthusiasts, as much as they relish it, are persistent with their passion.

Gaming Desktop vs. Gaming Laptop: Which Is Better For You

Keeping this in mind, it is most assertive that gaming isn’t an activity that requires no equipment.

In fact, there is an entire setup that one demands before he can fully concentrate on the task.

As equally as it is a matter of personal preference, choosing the right gaming rig requires immense research and rigorous comparison of various factors.

The most common dilemma many gamers face here is, ‘which is better for gaming; laptop or computer?’

This is perhaps an important conclusion one has to reach and includes several factors to consider before making an informed choice between the two.

Of course, the brand comes later; first, we need to establish, ‘Gaming desktop vs. gaming laptop; which is better for you?’

Owing to the degree of significance this topic holds, it became the core aspect of this article’s consideration.

To answer this crucial issue, we have considered different comparable factors between the Gaming Desktop vs Gaming Laptop that will help you decide which area is more important to you and, accordingly, which one’s the winner in that category.

Without wasting an extra minute, let’s get straight down to the analysis.

Gaming Desktop vs Gaming Laptop – Which Is Better For You?

Let’s explore the difference between:

1. Performance

For performance, we have a clear winner. There sure are some that may think otherwise, but still, a desktop cannot be beaten in this category.

Many people claim that, with the advancements in technology, there is not much of a significant difference left between laptops and computers.

They render this category inaccurate for comparison purposes since they both are equal winners.

The claim put forward is that now, many brands have come up with smaller but faster chips that make it possible to enable lightweight laptops to carry high-performance capabilities.

Well, to be honest, it is an undeniable reality that there have been immense improvements in the performance, power, speed, and storage of laptops. However, there is still a long way that they need to travel to get to the level of desktops.

This is true because the majority of laptops consist of mobile processors and an enclosed/restrictive space. Both of these are disadvantageous when it comes to performance.

Having mobile processors means that even the most excelling ones like Intel or AMD will not be able to perform well compared to their desktop counterparts. This is an inherent limitation that comes along with the portability of laptops.

It especially becomes prominent in gaming, where all that matters is speed and responsiveness.

On the other hand, having limited space exerts pressure on the overall system.

This is specifically a problem with gaming again, where there is an undeniable load on the processor and CPU/GPU leading to overheating especially in laptops. This further explains that there is a lack of an efficient cooling system despite the best cooling pads inserted.

To clarify, I am not generalizing these characteristics (or should I call them the drawbacks?) with laptops in themself.

My claim is affirmative when we compare the two counterparts. There cannot be any resistance to the evident fact that computers can provide better airflow and consist of more powerful systems due to the ample space they have.

This, collaboratively, makes desktops a better choice when it comes to performance, speed, and responsiveness.

2. Portability

There are 2 teams here; one that prefers a functional setup with all the peripherals externally attached, visible, and properly laid out, and the other likes their gaming rig to be travel-friendly and quickly packed up whenever desired.

When we talk about laptops, indeed, the primary advantage they have over their competitor is portability.

In fact, the later models have an even slimmer and more compact appearance that makes the device extremely lightweight and highly convenient to have on the go.

Laptops are compact systems that, in true meaning, are Personal Computers. You can travel wherever you want to without having to compromise with this partner.

The benefit this entails for gaming is that you can roll up your sleeves and complete the quest irrespective of wherever you are. Just lay it over your lap and begin!

This is unlike desktop computers. Even the most compact system has a monitor and other externally attached peripherals that collaboratively require a fixed position.

And how can we forget the need to have an outlet nearby without which the device won’t function? This means that you cannot expect it to come along with you; instead, it’s you that has to go over to the system (wherever it may be set up).

Needless to say, gaming laptops are winners when it comes to portability.

3. Customizability

With the bigger size of desktops come big advantages. Although the size of the laptop and desktop itself can be a problem, there are many perks that you get to enjoy as a result of this. One such benefit is customizability.

Unlike a laptop, a desktop computer has parts that can easily be replaced. Although it requires some basic knowledge of computer hardware, you will only need a few commonly used tools to get the job done once that’s there.

This is beneficial as you can alter your device’s specs as per your desire, whether it is a better graphic card, processor, or RAM.

On the contrary, lies the laptop. Not that it isn’t customizable at all, but it is way more difficult and costly.

Laptops were primarily built to serve the purpose of being travel-friendly. In the process of making such a device came a lot of limitations.

The major one, of course, is space. Due to this conservative area that requires the essential components to be crammed into, there is practically no space left.

By this, I mean that you cannot possibly install an extra element or alter one that isn’t the same size or the same brand.

4. Peripherals

Although it is true that desktop computers are not travel-friendly, this drawback is well set off by their ability to attach extensive peripherals.

Desktop computers consist of several slots and connectivity options, unlike laptops. With extensive I/O support and multiple front-facing connection ports, it is possible to connect multiple peripherals at one time and take advantage of the best gaming experience.

Here, the portability of laptops becomes a downside as they aren’t open to too many hardware upgrade options.

While it is true that they come with most of the peripherals built-in, which otherwise require you to buy and attach them separately, these are usually not optimized for gaming purposes.

Screen resolution, to start with, is commonly found in gaming laptops to be FHD 60 Hz refresh rate. Although this delivers a satisfying experience, if you intend to upgrade it, there isn’t much you can do about it.

On the other hand, as you may know, monitors are purchased separately, and therefore you have greater autonomy over the choice you wish to make.

Generally, gamers tend to relish the experience of mechanical keyboards with better functionality and overall better performance. However, it is common to find a membrane normal keyboard in most laptops.

To further worsen the case and maintain their portability, laptops consist of touchpads, which are generically meant to be the mouse counterparts.

However efficient as it may be, a touchpad is nowhere comparable to the proficiency of a mouse. Although it can be externally attached to a laptop without much of an issue, the drawback persists.

Final Words

There is no doubt that laptops have been an impressive innovation. The convenience brought about by this device is truly immeasurable. So much so that even the gaming industry accepted it wholeheartedly.

Gaming laptops have most certainly emerged as a viable option for their audience. They promisingly provide users with the best features that a gamer would want.

The reason why gamers wonder, ‘can a gaming laptop be as good as a desktop?’ But, obviously, there still remain some restrictions.

Perhaps the biggest reservation that users mostly have when comparing the two is: are gaming laptops more expensive than desktops?

To state absurdly, this largely depends upon the brands you compare and not the device itself. There could be a cheaper gaming laptop than a desktop if you are considering one with the latest technology and high-end specs. The case could be turned around too.

Whatever it is, the main is the fact that both devices equally suffice your needs. It is your choice now as to which feature is more important to you and, thereby, which device you choose between Gaming Desktop vs Gaming Laptop.

About the author

Jamie Hubbard

Jamie Hubbard a computer engineering graduate, lover of Apple MacBook Pro, full time talk and write about Laptop Reviews here at Laptopsheaven. As a Topper in High School he love to play with computer gadgets and write about it mainly laptops and its accessories. Moreover, he has many publications in the local newspaper and several other popular tech brands.