Intel Xeon Processor is an x86 microprocessor brand, which is designed and manufactured by Intel.
These processors were introduced in 1998. It has the same architecture as any regular desktop, with some advanced features, like higher core counts, larger cache memory, support for larger RAM amount, etc.
These processors are designed to provide safe continuing execution where a regular processor cannot. Some of the systems support multi-socket systems with two, four, or six sockets using a QPI (Quick Path Interconnect) bus.
The most frequently asked question is, should a consumer opt for Intel Xeon processor i7 or Intel Xeon Processor i9? Do you know the difference between i7 and Xeon? What Are Intel Xeon Processors Used For?
Let’s have a look at the differences and which processor fits for what kind of uses.
Intel Core i5, i7, i9 Features
Let’s take a look at each one!
Over Clocking
Unlocked processors of these are designed to be overclocked. It means they can run faster than what they are qualified for when provided with the right BIOS settings and the proper voltage.
This feature offers more value and free power, which Xeon doesn’t offer.
Onboard Graphics
The Core i7, i5, and F SKUs processors all come with onboard graphics. It means it doesn’t require a discrete video card for video display. However, Xeon processor-based systems cannot be configured if they do not have discrete videos.
It is recommended to use a discrete card for anything beyond the onboard graphics, video work, or casual gaming. These graphics are suitable for home and office uses.
GHz Per Dollar
For pure GHz (Gigahertz) speed for the money, LGA 1151(Z390) and 2011(X299) come on top every time.
It is the best recommendation for single-threaded systems—for example, a Core i7-9700 running at 3.6/4.9 Gigahertz costs around $300. Simultaneously, the quad-core Xeon running at the clock speed retails for around $50 to $100.
Xeon Features
Now it’s time for Xeon!
L3 Cache
CPU’s cache is like a small batch of memory that a processor keeps close by to increase specific applications’ speed.
Most of the Xeon processors contain 15 to 30MB of L3 cache, depending on the model. The i7 core counterparts are close to double, although this gap seems close enough with each new i7 architecture.
This extra cache is one of the reasons why Xeon processors are faster than i7 processors.
Support For ECC RAM
ECC (Error Checking and Correcting) RAM detects and corrects common data corruption before it could occur.
It eliminates the cause of most of the system crashes and translates to more stable performance. Xeons are the only processors that support ECC RAM.
Multi CPU Options
If you use applications that require more CPU cores, Xeon is your problem solver. The new Xeon scalable max out at 24 cores, whereas the i9-9980XE contains 18 multi-CPU configurations, which are only possible with Xeon.
Xeon processors can handle more intensive and heavier loads day in and day out. For any serious user of a workstation, it can easily translate to better longevity over counterparts of the i7.
Intel Xeon Specs
The main Intel Xeon Specs are listed below in detail. Have a look at the details below.
Are Xeon Processors Good For Gaming?
So the question is, Is Intel Xeon good for gaming? Game servers require frequency, fast processors, and reliability. Xeon processors have always been very much in demand because of their gamers.
They contain a higher court count potential. They also perform well when comparing Xeon and i7 processors’ prices in terms of total computing power.
Do Xeon Processors Have Integrated Graphics?
The Xeon processors do not support onboard graphics. Therefore, you need to purchase a graphics card for gaming purposes.
However, most of the onboard graphics are not supported by most of the games. In that case, you will install a graphics card in addition to the onboard graphics in your i7 processors. Though, Xeon processors are way more effective that way.
Are Xeons Better Than i7, i9 series?
Overclocking is something, which enables the user to run at a faster speed of clocks than recommended. It is a feature available in core i7 and i9 processors, but unfortunately, Xeon doesn’t offer this.
However, the bios settings and the processor’s voltage are supposed to be set accordingly or may cause damage.
You can easily attain more processor speed and increase productivity with the help of overclocking.
Do You Need Xeon Processor?
Xeon processors come with a 1MB L2 cache that is 16-way associative but has a higher latency. Less L3 caches are integrated per core. Instead of 16-way, these caches are 11-way set associative.
It contains a 77-cycle latency and is a non-inclusive cache. Intel processors use a large L3 cache in previous Sky lake-S and Broadwell chips mitigated this problem by offering a large amount of cache space.
Suppose you are into machine learning or deep learning involved with high-end processing units. In that case, Xeon processors will be a perfect choice for you.
Xeon Processor’s Competitor
The EPYC 7000 series of AMD’s performance is unbelievably outstanding when compared with Xeon processors. It has many reasons for them come down to many aspects of AVX and its impacts on turbo clocks.
In the past, for the few product cycles, Intel has stated it publically that its Turbo Mode frequencies depend on whether the AVX is active or not, with the non-AVX clocks being a bit lower.
Xeon processor 8176 contains a non-AVX 28 core at a maximum turbo frequency of 2.8 Gigahertz. An AVX-512 82 core has a maximum turbo frequency of 1.9 Gigahertz and an AVX2.0 28 core with a frequency of 2.4 Gigahertz.
AMD has a significant advantage in its price. A high-class EPYC 7601 (180WTDP) is a 32 core chip along with a 2.2 Gigahertz base and 32 Gigahertz max clock with a price tag of $10,009.
Why Is Xeon Expensive?
Intel Xeon processors have some significant performance gains of their own. These processors have a more substantial overall level of performance with a better scaling mesh topology. Intel Xeon is suitable for non-consumer high-performance computing.
These computers are often used in servers and are optimized for these. For example, a Xeon processor can easily handle 1.5 TB of RAM.
Xeon processors usually do not have just more cores. In fact, they also have larger caches along with ECC memory support. The processor is designed for servers that are capable of scaling at up to 8 sockets.
Of course, these features are not easy to test, develop, and enable. These processors are also equipped with an extra space required for the larger cache. It provides higher and sufficient bandwidth with lower latency to the main memory.
These are essential for critical business applications and also increase the cost of manufacturing.
Is Xeon A Better Choice for Servers and WorkStation?
The Intel Xeon processors can handle heavier and more intensive loads. For a serious workstation user, this can easily translate to better longevity over i7 counterparts. If your application needs as many CPU cores as possible, you can rely on Xeon.
The new Xeon processors max out at 18 cores, whereas the new Broadwell-Ei7-9950X has only 10. Multi-CPU configurations are possible only with Xeon processors.
Who Should Buy a Xeon Processor?
What is a Xeon processor better for, and who should purchase this? You have to buy a system with an Intel Xeon processor if you have these requirements. Have a look at the points below.
If you work with 3D designing, rendering, or modeling software, like Auto 3dx max, Autodesk Maya, Cinema 4D, Black Magic Fusion, V-Ray, or Nuke, etc., you need to buy a Xeon processor
You are looking to develop artificial intelligence software with the programs like H20 AI, Google Cloud machine learning engine, Azure machine learning studio, etc.
One who works with a game development company that develops console-level games. You will be required to use software like Unreal Engine and Unity 3D.
People associated with or worked for an internet-based company, which requires fast server speeds and high security that operates 24/7 with the least downtime.
Anyone who wants to develop their own Cloud Computing Platform like Google Cloud, or Amazon AWS, etc
Suppose you require to use your system for regular tasks like editing, browsing, watching games, movies, etc.
Then you can use a standard laptop instead of investing a lot in purchasing a Xeon processor. Regular Intel core series processors are highly suitable for everyday use.
What Are Intel Xeon Processors Used For? – Conclusion
The Intel Xeon Processors are highly recommended for those who are very much into gaming kind of stuff. For example, playing games on OS requires a larger graphic card than a regular core series system contains.
It is best for firms or people who are merged with games or software development. It is programmed in a way that it can support high-end software, which a regular system cannot help.
That’s why it is one reason that Xeon processors are high in price compared with the core series.